

Day-1, Visiting Pearl Harbor After 9-hour flight via China Eastern Airline, we arrived at Hononu International airport in next morning. Weather in October was wonderful. It was sunny and warm as always in Hawaii. There were a few white clouds over blue sky and a lot of green plants on the grounds that are rarely seen in Shanghai. CTRIP has arranged a bus for our group and the local travel guide accompanied us to the 1st-stop: Pearl Harbor historical site. It is history education about WWII JP invaded Perl Harbor. The site tells what happened in details. I particularly like the movie and USS Arizona museum. ...


Day-2, Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay A half group of people went to shopping, while the other half went to snorkeling. Snorkeling is one of my favorite activities I want to do in every Hawaii trip. I brought my own snorkeling equipment and water sports shoes. It was one of must-go scenic sites. If you don’t know swimming and are afraid of snorkeling, I recommend you go there for views and pictures. From the top, you can see coloration of water and pattern of reefs. I was excited about the trip to Hanauma Bay. I got up at 6AM. I enjoyed snorkeling on the left side of the beach. I turned left and walked for 50 meters, after you got down to the beach. You only need to swim out for ~20 meters to see colorfulfish. Some of fish are pretty big. I saw one fish is in length of ~40 cm. I wa ...


Hiking to Manoa Waterfall In the afternoon, I rented a red Ford Mustang convertible. Convertibles are very proper in Hawaii weather. It was warm, but not hot. Wind blew your face, hair and body, which gave me a feeling of cruising and motion. We drove to a mountain for hiking in the afternoon and went to a beach for sunset view in the evening. Hiking to the waterfall was so worthy of the effort. Splashing water gave me misty and mystery feeling of nature. The waterfall has at least 40 meters tall. I saw a group of local people hiked up and swam in the water. Water was warm. Caution – In the mountain, it is moist and humid. This area attracts mosquitos. They like foreign blood. So please wear long sleeve shirts and long pants. It is helpfulto have a good pair of hiking boots, ...


終於有機會親自體驗一次傳說中的天堂——夏威夷,10月28日出發、11月2日返回,在夏威夷一共是5天4晚的行程,走的攜程產品,航班直飛約9個小時,全程希爾頓度假村,旅程很順利很爽,只是美好的東西都一樣感覺太短促,一晃就過去了。 珍珠港、牧場(名字忘記了,好像拍了很多大片的如侏羅紀公園等)、恐龍灣浮潛、ala muana購物中心、奧特萊斯、DFS免稅店、環島游、土著村、圖奧盛宴等等,還正好碰上鬼節,也算豐富多彩了,不過印像最深的不是上面任何一個,而是: 1、陽光 無處不在的陽光,就算下雨都無法驅走陽光,讓人的整個身心都亮麗起來; 2、彩虹 隨處可見,偶爾還能看到雙彩虹 ...


(需要看更多圖片和文章的請到我的博客http://***/shuijianyangqin) 話說在夏威夷拍人物,定是出行的重要目的,滿海灘的米女帥鍋擺在你面前,不拍真的枉為此行。可惜我們這次行程安排的太滿,真正在海灘的時間加起來不到4小時,連賓館外的秀麗海灘都沒時間下水,結果錯過秀色大餐,隨便拍了幾張充數,以後去夏威夷至少要安排6天以上的時間。 先看小朋友吧,海灘邊的外國小孩和洋娃娃一樣,卡哇伊的。 這個小女孩酷吧? 專注的孩子 水中的芭比娃娃 被父親嚇著了 下面是米女... 糧倉老幫忙滴,在我面前作了一個銷魂的pose,掩人耳目,我鏡頭一側,抓拍了糧倉後邊的米女,給大家做 ...


(需要看更多圖片和文章的請到我的博客http://***/shuijianyangqin) 第二天的行程是去古蘭尼牧場,據說這裡拍了很多大片,諸如侏羅紀公園、珍珠港、風語者、lost之類的。看看這座山,有沒有侏羅紀公園的感覺? 牧場的藍天,空氣透徹潔淨 牧場的主人出來歡迎我們,談的無非是牧場的歷史,不知怎麼回事,拍攝的相機居然聚焦到主人女兒上了,我就說吧,現在的相機太過自動化,還是懷念以前的機械相機... 牧場有段臨海的風景沒的說,讓人震撼,其他的人工布景就不放了,我比較崇尚自然 下午是拓展活動,有人被迫跳草裙舞、有人發揮拼搏精神、有人講究團隊精神、有人冒雨完成任務、 ...


(需要看更多圖片和文章的請到我的博客http://***/shuijianyangqin) 10月28日從上海出發至夏威夷,乘坐的是攜程直飛航班,無需轉機非常方便,攜程服務很體貼,所以除了帶護照外基本也沒做什麼准備。美國的插座可以使用中國的兩相插頭,手機、相機電池都能充電。男士如果要去海灘游泳,最後帶上長點的沙灘褲,因為老外都是穿沙灘褲跳水裡的,如果你穿個緊繃繃的三角泳褲,可能有點另類了;女士當然要穿比基尼的,如果是連體泳衣,那也有點另類了... 飛機沒坐滿,較舒適,近10個小時的航程,帶點IPAD之類的消遣工具再睡睡覺就很輕松了。我什麼也沒帶,只好看看飛機上的電影,悲催的是這電� ...


題記一 參觀珍珠港,人人的臉上掛著凝重的神情,是游覽,更是讀史; 題記二 既然是兵不厭詐,“偷襲珍珠港”之說,就不如“珍珠港事件”或“奇襲珍珠港”。 --------------------------------- 去夏威夷,必去珍珠港看看。這個想法,終於在2011年10月14日變成現實。 現代史上,珍珠港的名氣大於夏威夷。它位於夏威夷Oahu島西南腹部,歷史上因養殖珠母貝而聞名於世。這裡是夏威夷最大的天然海港,三面環山,一面臨海。空中俯瞰,整個港灣的形狀極似一支不規則的銀杏樹葉。葉身是港灣水域,狹小的葉柄,則是通向太平洋的航道。因特殊的地理位置,一戰以後,被美軍辟為海軍基地,歸太平洋艦� ...