
作者: 前沿詩人

導讀2009春節上海北京路書及五首應景之詩作 - 生活就是寫作人生就是戲劇一個月之後,終於有時間提筆來寫這個路書, 走之前在網上看了不少他人路書,也想寫出來供大家分享. 今年春節末尾從1月31日至2/4, 花了五天時間,進行了一次上海-北京-上海自駕游. 去花了二天, 回花了二天, 在北京實際時間為一天二夜,來回均夜宿在濟南.不是不能一天開到,只是覺得沒必要那麼拼. 北京早已熟悉� ...

2009春節上海北京路書及五首應景之詩作 - 生活就是寫作人生就是戲劇一個月之後,終於有時間提筆來寫這個路書, 走之前在網上看了不少他人路書,也想寫出來供大家分享. 今年春節末尾從1月31日至2/4, 花了五天時間,進行了一次上海-北京-上海自駕游. 去花了二天, 回花了二天, 在北京實際時間為一天二夜,來回均夜宿在濟南.不是不能一天開到,只是覺得沒必要那麼拼.

北京早已熟悉了, 此行的最大收獲是跑了半個中國, 對江蘇(特別是蘇北), 山東,河北, 天津有了第一”腳”印像, 開車與坐飛機, 坐火車完全不一樣. 要了解一個城市, 必須得穿行過她的主要街道. 有人說中國東西相差五十年,南北相差二十年, 的確有同感, 但令人欣喜的是各個地方都在進步. 此前行我在國內開過最遠的是南到過寧波, 北到過南京, 僅此而已,而我開過的最長單日路程是八百公裡, 那還是在十年以前.

此行五天,中間共寫了五首應景之詩作, 詳悉附後. 像這樣大段地寫中文, 我已多年不寫了. 詩只能寫意, 詳細描述還得寫文章.

1 月31日上午9點上海出發, 從外環A20的五洲大道出口上中環, 轉滬嘉高速A12, 再轉沿江高速(後自動變為錫澄高速),向北京/江陰大橋方向, 進入蘇北. 江陰大橋非常震撼 (注:京滬高速為統稱, 在各地各段高速有其獨特命名, 連起來為總稱京滬高速).下午一點在淮陰川星服務區停車加油休息, 油比上海貴, 而且沒有97號汽油. 下午一點二十五分再出發, 共開了4個小時, 總計437公裡.一路過蘇北進入山東地界. 在蘇北還不太感受已到了北方, 進入山東沂蒙山區, 才有北方的感覺. 出了沂蒙山區才是一馬平川的山東平原.所謂齊魯大地, 齊與魯還是有差別的. 下午五點左右, 在離濟南只有一站之地泰安服務區加油,休息, 實在撐不住了. 下午六點到達濟南,入住在攜程所預訂的酒店. 第一天總共開了九個小時, 共計872公裡.

第二天2月1日上午10點 50分, 從濟南出發前往北京.因為前面二個晚上均沒有睡好, 靠堅強的毅力,


詳細見 前沿博客: http://www.hwswworld.com/wp/?p=2693

Drive to Beijing from Shanghai V - On the Road II (February 8, 2009) - 102

On the road

Fog, rain and cold

Fear, uncertainty and dismay

Whatever happens

You have to go ahead

Mile by mile

Town by town

Rest area by rest area

Minute by minute

Hour by hour

You have to possess vigilance

You have to possess strength

You have to possess patience

You have to possess endurance

You have to possess confidence

No one ahead

No one behind

Do not be timid

You will hit the end

Drive to Beijing from Shanghai IV - Beijing Impression (February 3, 2009) - 101

Modern on its face

History in its body

High-tech in its muscles

Culture in its heart

A city with all roads straight

A city with all accents standardized

A city gathers so many talents

A city draws so many elites

A city once studying

Now revisiting

A city once cycling

Now driving

A city makes Washington be serious

A city makes London be jealous

A city makes Tokyo be inferior

A city makes Shanghai be nervous

Here I tell my son I want to try something new

Here my son tells me he wants to try something old

Here I tell my son life is good

Here my son tells me life is tough

Here I tell my son I want to be a full-time poet

Here my son tells me he wants to be a full-time fool

Life is about experience

Experience depends on your interpretation

Interpretation depends on your calibration

Calibration depends on your judgement

Be your own ruler

Be your own Judge

Here I refresh my memory

Here I renew my energy

Drive to Bejing from Shanghai III - Lotus Pond (February 1, 2009) - 100

Same campus

Different students

Same pond

Different lotus

Same trees

Different leaves

Same bench

Different sitters

Same space

Different time

Same scene

Different sentiment

My gorgeous Lotus Pond

My good old day

Drive to Bejing From Shanghai II - On the Road I (January 31, 2009) - 99

Passing the Convinience Store

Passing the Metro Station

Passing the Five-Continent boulevard

Passing misty Yangtz River

One hand on the wheel

One hand with a coke

Radio on the head

Eyes on the road ahead

Watching the sunrise at early morning

Watching the sunset at late evening

Passing icy Yellow River

Finally getting to the hometown of Confucius

Why not try something other than WestLife

Forget about Eagle at Hotel California

Embrace Earth Wind and Fire

U2 in such a Beautiful Day

Drive to Beijing from Shanghai I - Planning (January 26, 2009) - 97

Eight hundred miles

From south to north

From coast to inner land

You can go by air

You can go by train

You can go by bus

But I choose to drive

In such cold winter alone

Prepare lodging

Prepare water

Prepare food

Prepare music

Wheel in your single hand

Direction under your own control

Pedal under your single foot

Speed under your own control

It was not from SF to LA in 1996

It is from Shanghai to Beijing in 2009

精選遊記: 北京
