
作者: jimmyc

導讀Italy has been an absolutely wonderful dream to everybody who has not been there before, and its been voted one of must-see destinations before you die. I would love to give an ideal trip to Rome right here, right now.Having got off the plane at Fiuminico International Airport, have a chat with the local cab driver on the way downtown, make use of the little simple Italian that you have been learning for the trip, which is a delightful start to get you into a romantic, flowery and full-of-cultur ...

Italy has been an absolutely wonderful dream to everybody who has not been there before, and its been voted one of must-see destinations before you die. I would love to give an ideal trip to Rome right here, right now.Having got off the plane at Fiuminico International Airport, have a chat with the local cab driver on the way downtown, make use of the little simple Italian that you have been learning for the trip, which is a delightful start to get you into a romantic, flowery and full-of-culture mood.

Arriving into downtown, then the next and the rest of your transportation is by foot. Seeing every piece, every corner of the city is a pleasure, seriously, Rome is full of bits and pieces that draw tourists attentionat all times. Have a walk at the Vatican City, beautifully designed churches all over the place,immerse yourself in the Colosseo for an entire afternoon, have a look at the meseums and throw a coin into Fontana di Trevi, where you make a wish that you will return to this lovely city.

for those of you who are on honey moon, dine out is no more than what you could ask for from here, candle lights, traditional italian food and wine, a romantic environment, couples do live happily in Rome, according to a national survey carried out in Italy.

for those of you who are shopping fans, then Rome is again, the best place in the world for leather products. Shoes, suits, casual wearing... everything and anything that you could think of yourself wearing, it is there for you, on display, prices are incredibly reasonable, and you will go wild with your credit cards, believe me on this.

Here we go, Rome is the only best place combining leisure and culture that I have ever been to in the entire world. I will keep discovering, if anything new pops out, I will keep you up-to-date!!


在 Fiuminico 國際機場下了飛機,在市區半路上有與本地出租車司機的一次閑聊,利用小簡單意大利那一個為了是一個高興開始的旅行一直在學習到一 romatic,像花一樣和豐盛的文化的情緒中得到你。

到達進市區,然後下一個和你的運輸的其余的是步行。看每一條消息,城市的每個角落很高興,嚴重地,羅馬充滿始終拖旅游者的注意的少量和部分。在梵蒂岡有步行,美麗地被策劃的教堂到處地方,有一個整個下午之久在 Colosseo 中沉浸你自己,看看博物館和把一枚硬幣扔進 Fontana di Trevi,其中你做出你將送回這個可愛的城市的一個願望。


對購物的你的那些愛好者,然後羅馬再度是用於皮革產品的最好在世界上的地方。鞋,衣服,不經心戴著 ... 一切和你能夠你自己考慮戴著的任何東西,它是在那兒對你,展出,定價是令人難以置信地合理的,你將拿著你的信用卡興奮,關於這相信我。



在 Fiuminico 國際機場下了飛機,在市區在途中有與本地計程車司機的一次閒聊,利用小簡單義大利那一個為了旅行一直在學習,是一個喜悅開始為了到一種浪漫,像花一樣和豐盛的文化的情緒中得到你。

到市中心中抵達,然後下一個和你的運輸的其餘的在腳旁邊。看每一則消息,城市的每個角落很高興,嚴重地,羅馬充滿始終提取遊客的注意的零零碎碎的。在梵蒂岡有步行,美麗地被設計的教堂到處地方,有一個整個下午之久在 Colosseo 中沈浸自己,看看博物館和把一枚硬幣扔進 Fontana di Trevi,在那裡你使你將返回的一個願望這麼可愛城市。


對購物的你的那些扇子,然後羅馬再度是用於皮革產品的最好在世界上的地方。鞋,適合,非正式戴著 ... 一切和你能夠自己考慮戴著的任何東西,它是那裡對你,展示,定價是令人難以置信地合理的,你將拿著你的信用卡瘋狂,關於這相信我。


精選遊記: 羅馬
