
作者: bachelor801031

導讀更多圖片見:http://goho80.spaces.live.com/ 一些吃飯和擺渡信息: UT-276 Road Ferry Service: Two ferries, the John Atlantic Burr and the Charles Hall, operate May through September between Bullfrog and Halls Crossing marinas at mid-lake, at State Route 276. During the rest of the year, one ferry operates. Owned by the State of Utah, the ferries accommodate a variety of vehicles on frequently scheduled daytime passages. Ferries accommodate up to 150 people and approximately 22 vehic ...



UT-276 Road Ferry Service: Two ferries, the John Atlantic Burr and the Charles Hall, operate May through September between Bullfrog and Halls Crossing marinas at mid-lake, at State Route 276. During the rest of the year, one ferry operates. Owned by the State of Utah, the ferries accommodate a variety of vehicles on frequently scheduled daytime passages. Ferries accommodate up to 150 people and approximately 22 vehicles. The 3.2 mile, 27 minute, trip across the water saves up to 130 road miles. Basic fees range from $3.00 for adult walk-on passengers and $12.00 for vehicles less than 20 feet long. Phone: 435-684-7000 or 435-684-3088 (for recorded messages). LAS VEGAS餐廳(網上收集的): Treasure island 的Buffet:中餐$16.99(*****)價錢中等,但食物精緻;這是目前為止,我最喜歡的一家buffet餐廳,整間餐廳都給人驚喜的感覺,愛吃甜點與義式餐點的人不容錯過,真的很棒!

Bellagio:中餐$36(*****)(感恩節中餐)價位高,應該是節日的觀係,餐點非常豐盛(還有帝王蟹腳任你拿)東西非常的多,就像台灣的Buffet一樣,吃都吃不完,但就精緻度來說(印像中),並沒有Treasure island給的驚喜多!

。 Wynn:中餐$21(*****);也是一家不錯的Buffet,食物相當的美觀與美味,食物多樣化,我最愛的是她們的Pizza,是道地的義式薄片Pizza,在台灣只有非常高級的義式餐館才吃的到的!Mandalay Bay:$19.99(**),食物不精緻,樣式也不夠多,可能因為價位的關係,對她多了一份期待,如果只差兩元美金,Wynn會是比較好的選擇。(愛吃牛肉的友人推薦他們的Prime Ribs) Excalibur:$12.99(**),便宜又大碗的Buffet餐廳,如果只是想吃東西的話,也可以選擇這間! Moab,UT,中餐廳:

Mandarin Szechuan Restaurant

105 S Main St, Moab - (435) 259-8993Torrey,UT,中餐廳: Rim Rock Restaurant

2523 E Highway 24 Torrey, UT 84775

Tel: (435)425-3388 Best Western Restaurant in Best Western Capitol Reef Hotel Bryce Canyon, UT,比較好的餐廳: Cowboys Buffet and Steak Room Address. 1000 South State Hwy 63, Bryce Canyon National Park, UT 84764. Tel: 435-834-5341











精選遊記: 舊金山
