
作者: superjoy_jz

導讀去年來夏威夷時,這裡的日餐著實讓我心怡。發現同是日本料理,在北美大陸,夏威夷,中國和日本味道相去甚遠。而夏威夷版本是我最喜歡的日餐之一,因此反倒沒有機會品嘗夏威夷本土風味。這次有機會在這裡小住一段時間,於是順著我的靈敏的鼻子,開始了夏威夷美食之旅。夏威夷poke 如果來夏威夷,相信很多人會去看luau表演。Luau中很重要的一道夏威夷菜便是Ahi Poke。� ...


如果來夏威夷,相信很多人會去看luau表演。Luau中很重要的一道夏威夷菜便是Ahi Poke。把新鮮的吞拿魚(生的)切成一寸見方的塊兒,然後和蔥,洋蔥,醬油,醋,麻油,芝麻涼拌在一起,就成了一盤好吃的Ahi Poke。

Poke類似於中國的涼菜,西餐中的“沙拉”。不同的是poke的內容可以是各種各樣的原料:大多是海鮮,有各種新鮮生魚, 青口(mussel), 八爪魚(octopus), 生蠔(oyster),可生可熟;也有海帶,豆腐等。




Stay tuned, more to come…





Hawaiian Poke

This is the essence of Hawaiian culture and cuisine. Combining the flavors of the Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, Mexican, Spanish, and New England people. This recipe is a year round dish in Hawaii, but better suited on the main land during the spring and summer months. Serve with steamed rice, noodles, and a cold drink.

This marinade can be used with all seafood, like thinly sliced salmon, mussels, shrimp, tuna, or raw oysters. It can also be used as a marinade for chicken, beef, shrimp, or pork on the grill.

½ Cup Thinly Sliced Green Onions (Scallions)

1 Cup Very Thinly Sliced White Onion

3 Tablespoons Sesame Seeds (Lightly Toasted)

4 Serrano Chilis Seeded and Minced

2 Teaspoons of Salt

2 Teaspoons of Sugar

2 Tablespoons of Lime Juice

½ Cup Pacific Island American Soy Sauce

1 Teaspoon of Rice Wine Vinegar

2 Sheets Nori Toasted and Minced


Combine with your favorite meat, tofu or fish. Chill and marinade at least 1 hour and serve raw sashimi style or cook on the grill to desired temperature. If you don’t have a grill a salute skillet, a wok will do nicely. Serve with white rice or noodles. If served Sashimi style, slice meats or fish very thin before marinating. Remember that chicken and pork should not be eaten raw. Poke can also be used as a dipping sauce or condiment.

精選遊記: 檀香山(瓦胡島)
