
作者: wang0891

導讀I never write anything online. A few days ago, Weiwei let me read her writings about Tibet. I get a little surprised, for I know she is not the girl who likes writing online. Weiwei is a girl who always talks with people frankly, and she is honestly and brave. She just works hard to get what she wants. She loves life, especially the life in Lhasa. I am afraid she could never leave Tibet.人們從不同的角度看西藏,很大程度取決於他們對西藏的了解。一個參加五晚六天� ...

I never write anything online. A few days ago, Weiwei let me read her writings about Tibet. I get a little surprised, for I know she is not the girl who likes writing online. Weiwei is a girl who always talks with people frankly, and she is honestly and brave. She just works hard to get what she wants. She loves life, especially the life in Lhasa. I am afraid she could never leave Tibet.人們從不同的角度看西藏,很大程度取決於他們對西藏的了解。一個參加五晚六天團隊的游客看西藏是五花八門的。但他們對西藏的感受不會像我們那樣復雜。我們深深愛著她,為了她,曾留下多少傷痛和美夢。那千佛崖下長發飄飄的女孩,那珠峰腳下無名登山者的墓碑,阿裡神山路上磕長頭的朝聖者,藏北草原深處的馱鹽隊,不幸遇難的意大利人的天葬,還有,我的上師大寶法王的廟,風雪荒原上藏族老婦的雙眼……太多太多的故事,留在回憶裡。


精選遊記: 拉薩
